I want to start off with this picture because I find it inspiring. I was out last night and saw the sky. I luckily had my camera and pulled off the side of the road. The red and orange colors in the sky were brillant. Do you ever feel like throughout the whole day you haven't even had a second to stop, think, and breathe? I feel like that all the time. I am the type of person that feels like I never have enough hours, minutes, or seconds in a day. This moment I just sat in my car and stared at the night sky for a couple minutes. It was so great and neat to watch how the colors changed and the colors went farther down into the earth with every minute!
Now I want to give a shout out to mckmama. I followed her instruction and came out with this fabulous picture! I did all of my editing on Photoshop cs5. I will post the before (totally unedited), the B&W picture, and the fun edited picture!!! I love this picture sooo much!

OK I hope this is not too long of a blog and my followers are still hanging in there and want to see what I have for you next! Here comes my instructions for lining a clip and adding some fun details to it!!! Hope you learn something and enjoy doing it!!!
First step is to get everything you need for this project! You need a hot glue gun, a clip (I use double prong alligator clips), 3/8 size ribbon (I wanted to make a V-Day clip so I have XOXO ribbon), any item to glue onto your clip (I have a V-day item I bought from Hobby Lobby scrapbook section), and scissors.
Next step is to get your clip and turn it over and line the underneath of the top of the clip (I hope that makes sense!) Here are 2 pictures that should show you how.
Then I flip it over and line the top of the clip. I am just putting hot glue straight onto the clip and then quickly, before it dries, adding the ribbon to it.
Then you need to put hot glue in the top, squeezey part, of the clip and put the ribbon down into that. I know I get pretty scientific with my wording!
The next step is to cut off the ribbon with just a little left over so you can hot glue it to the clip.
Now you have your finished, partially lined clip. I DO NOT fully line my clips because it makes it very hard and aggrivating to get a full lined clip in the hair.
You can now add any item to the top of your clip with a decent amount of hot glue. (or you can use E6000 glue, found at wal-mart, hobby lobby, joanns, michaels,etc...
Here is the finished product and check out all the other things you can do by lining a clip!!!
Heat seal both ends of your ribbon with a lighter. Just quickly run the lighter across the edges of the ribbon on both ends.
If you have a ribbon the has a print that can be upside down once the clip is finished then you need to know which side the child will be wearing it in her hair. If you need more specifics on this let me know I will explain better and do a tutorial on it.
Thank you for sticking it through this post!